Ah, Saturdays! Okay, I'm more or less off work during the summer, but still, gotta love Saturdays. After battling M to eat her medicine-laced applesauce (that's another story), we finally set off for the hardware store, because a) it's only a couple blocks away, and b) they carry the
laundry detergent I like. Fast forward: come back, start up washer, leave for the farmer's market. But because my dear daughter can't eat anything for an hour after taking her medicine, we decided to put in some time at a playground first. THEN farmer's market (tomato, pepper, jam, Guatemalan hand-woven scarf, and cookies), and then up to the food co-op, where we found good friends to sit and chat with for a while.

Later, we drove to LaCrosse to meet my mom and dad for lunch, did a little shopping, and on the way home, stopped at a strawberry farm to pick (oh why didn't I have my camera along?). I suggested they weigh the kids before and after picking!

I'm not sure yet what I will do with the berries. I've never canned or frozen (in bulk) before, but those are on my "to learn" list ("to try" list?). We don't have a separate freezer, and my memories of my mom canning (steaming kitchen with no AC) don't exactly tempt me much, even though I do have AC.
So, after all this, when asked what she did today, the child says, "I played with my balloons."