Wednesday, July 8, 2009

My friend Mary came to visit a couple weeks ago, and to attend the musical "Anne of Green Gables" with us (staged by the local community theater group). M wants to be on stage badly!

Mary arrived as we were making soft pretzels, and she quickly showed her expertise . . . .

M's artwork; I usually can't get her to do much more than scribbling, so I was pretty pleased with this one. I think it would fit right in with Story People, don't you?

Monday, July 6, 2009

What we've been up to

Boy, keeping up a blog is more complicated than I expected! Basically, this much time has gone by because a) I prefer to use my Macintosh laptop, but b) I have yet to figure out how to reduce photo size with the Mac, therefore c) I prefer to download my photos on my PC desktop.

Going back a while:

I made M a pair of bandana pants, and used the extra fabric for a headband. She didn't want to wear a shirt with them; hence, the "from the back" shot. I also made a bandana skirt (using pink bandanas), but she refuses to wear it! :(

I also made her a prairie dress, which she wore to "Musica Dulce," an event that involves travelling to three local venues to hear music. It's a fundraiser for the Sister Parish project of the local Methodist church.

This is what came in the mail from the state public TV station, our gift for becoming members (hey, PBS is the only channel we get with kids' programming, and it's watched A LOT here!). The book is Kid ConCoctions Cook Book. We've tried a couple of the recipes already. M loves to stir/mix. I "love" to clean up!