I follow a blog that issued a "no-spend" challenge for the month of July. Actually, she challenges herself (along with her husband and small child) to spend no more than $250 on incidentals during the month. While I was intrigued, it just was not going to work for me in July--county fair and Nordic Fest! But, I've decided to set myself a daily spending limit for the month of August: $20/day. Credits and debits will carry over, and so far I'm ahead by $2 and change! But tomorrow's $20 is already committed (to pay the vet bill after the death of my cat, Scully, last week). Anyway, on to some pictures:
Here it is, my square-foot garden, just after putting it in on July 1. I put it a strawberry plant, cucumbers, lettuce, leeks, and four cauliflower plants. As of today, I've harvested some lettuce, and the cukes are taking over everything, but nothing much from the rest. I didn't get my hopes up, what with putting it in so late. Lesson learned: leave lots of room for cucumbers, or make sure they can climb something!
M and I went to a Children's museum, where she dressed up as a fairy and flitted around.
We participated in our town's Fourth of July bike parade! (Well, M did)
After having it emptied by sanitation workers twice (my mom put it out once, and they just grabbed it once when I wasn't home to put out the trash), and having someone deposit a plastic bag in it (containing I know not what), I decided it was time to label the darn thing . . . .

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